N a v b h a r a t S k i l l s
A s s o c i a t e s L t d .

You can make a difference today!


Introduction About Company

Navbhart Skills Associates Limited is the only public limited company which is related to Himachal Pradesh and only working for Skill Developments in Himachal Pradesh. Its Directors and members belong to Himachal. Its Directors had been joined to leading Skill Development Companies of India as team members. The name of those companies are Centem Learning , Sahej-e-village Pvt ltd , Ssayama Institute of Paramedical Science Pvt ltd, Shine Institute of Management and Information Technology Pvt Ltd. In association of above companies they trained more than 3900 candidates in various sectors and various projects sponsored by Central Government.

Since 2016, we’ve granted more than
120,000 wishes all over the world.



Children and their families are impacted every year



Focused on education, healthcare, and skill development, hr services


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Slums are reached out to across the country